The Dow Jones Industrial Average index has been introduced on 26 May 1896 and it has 30 components today. It is an important signal which provides an insight about the overall stock performance within the region, and the overall increase or decrease in stock value represented by the average of the top performing companies.
In the past 10 years there have been some interesting events in its history, which we have extracted here:
Continue reading 10 years history of Dow Jones / DJIA →
Looking for 10 years or more historical data of the Dow Jones Industrial Average? We have found a source that provides Open-High-Low-Close data for it back until 1896!
Continue reading 10 years historical data of Dow Jones / DJIA →
Bitcoin is one of the most successful cryptocurrencies. It’s short history if full of interesting facts and events which must be known by everyone who is dealing with it.
Today there are many dealers accepting bitcoins as payment. The payment system works without a central repository. Network node operators running the bitcoin system receive bitcoins as reward of their efforts.
Bitcoin historical performance since the beginning*
The most important performance factor of bitcoin is how much US dollars is a bitcoin worth? So let’s see a BTC/USD chart since 2009:
Continue reading Bitcoin price history chart since 2009 →
There are number of reasons to study historical charts of gold. Firstly because it is said to be investors’ safe haven and secondly because it is said to be protecting from inflation.
Lots of things happened on gold’s market (who are buying it? who are selling it?) in the past years and one can easily ask if it is really worth as much as it costs?
100 years chart*
Continue reading Gold price historical chart of performance →
Charts of stock markets and commodities